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Doesn't really work like that. Depends on the amount of actual cocoa in the chocolate, the size of the dog and how much it ate.

Chocolate is NEVER good for dogs, so stay away from it.

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Q: Can one dog out of the whole world can eat chocolate?
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Zero. Dogs can't eat chocolate. Do not give your dog chocolate.

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Sure, maybe not the whole can. Generally a dog can eat what you can, but there are a few that they shouldn't. Google it. onions, garlic, chocolate, gum with xylitol (sp?), and a few more.

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They should not eat dog food. because dog food is actually people food. you need to eat some right now

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Dogs should never eat any chocolate. The breed or size of the dog makes no difference.

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Anything but chocolate

What does chocalete do to dogs if they eat it?

sometimes nothing at all. my dog ate a whole chocolate bar and it did nothing. but the truth is that it is hard for them to digest. it could possibly make them sick, but as long as it doesnt eat much, it will be fine

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Dogs should not eat chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, avocados, alcohol, and foods containing xylitol as these can be toxic to them. It's important to avoid feeding your dog foods that may cause gastrointestinal upset or harm their health.

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Dogs should not eat chocolate,it can be poisonous to them causing illness or death

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Chocolate is not good for any breed of dog. It is not recommended to be given in any quantities.

What does a dog eat if it is not dog food or dog treats?

They eat meat and most other food just don't give them chocolate or tiny bones that could choke them

How long does it take for a dog to die after eating chocolate?

Maybe, because chocolate is poisonous to dogs. When it happens, think of how much chocolate your dog has eaten. If your dog has ate lots of chocolate, your dog needs immediate help. If not much, call your dog's vet for more information. Always call your dog's vet if your dog has ate chocolate (any amount). So, your dog might not die automatically