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Yep. Jewish dietary restrictions are more rigorous than Islamic ones. In the days when Muslims were few in the US, and most cities did not have a hallal butcher, observant Muslims were among the best customers of kosher delis.

There are some debates among Muslims as to whether Jewish blessings during the slaughter of an animal is sufficient to qualify as tasmiyah (blessing God in an Islamic context during slaughter). The majority opinion is that since Jews bless the same God as the Muslims for the same purpose, the Jewish blessings count as tasmiyah. There is a minority opinion that the failure by Jewish butchers to say specifically "Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim" when slaughtering an animal is sufficient to bar the consumption of kosher meat. There is no other issue for a Muslim eating kosher meat.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes they can eat kosher Hot Dogs although Jews don't necessily follow the same method of slaughering as Muslims although it is similar. They may be pricer but they are safer...


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Q: Can muslims eat kosher meat
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What type of meat do Jewish people eat?

They eat any kind of meat except for pork. However, it MUST be kosher.

What is the difference between kosher food and halal food?

Not much difference - Halal is practiced by Muslims, and Kosher is practiced by Jews. Neither eat pork, and each have requirements on how their meat is slaughtered and processed.

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Muslims are allowed to eat meat with bones (but of course not eating bones). Refer to question below for what meat allowed for Muslims to eat.

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Why can't muslims eat meat?

They can eat meat if it is offered to them.

Do muslims only eat kosher food?

The Muslims have their own way of slaughtering animals for food. Where that is not available, they may eat kosher food. They may eat Halal food cooked by the Jews and the Christians.

What kosher meats and poultry can Jews eat?

Meat or poultry should have Rabbinical kosher-certification. So, to answer the question, any meat or poultry that is kosher can be eaten by kosher observant Jews.

Do Muslims eat kosher gelatin?

When it comes to meats, Kosher is not synonymous with Halal, so no, we cannot eat Kosher Gelatin. Gelatin is considered kosher by many Jews regardless of its source of origin. For Muslims, if gelatin is prepared from swine or cows that are not dhabeeha, it is haraam.