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It is not recommended. Any use of prescription medication without a prescription is dangerous. You won't know the proper dosage for you and for your condition without physician or health care professional advice. The quality may not be as good, and the drug may not have been appropriately stored. If you take antibiotics without a prescription, you may be taking a risk of using medications when you don't need them, all medicines have risk with use. Additionally, the problem of resistant bacteria we have now (e.g., MRSA, "flesh eating bacteria") is due in large part to indiscriminate use of antibiotics when they are not needed and can't be effective.

If you have a viral infection rather than a bacterial infection, the antibiotic will do no good and might do harm. Leave it to the professionals to decide what prescription meds you do or don't need.

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Q: Can humans use the penicillin made for fish?
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How do you use penicillin in a sentence?

Penicillin is a mold. It is also the antibiotic made from this mold. You use it as medication for infection. Here are some sentences.My doctor prescribed penicillin for my infection.Does your pharmacy have penicillin tablets in stock?My class is growing penicillin mold in the laboratory.

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The oceans of the world are not man-made, but humans sail and fish on them, making them a resource we can use.

What is the difference between penicillin used on humans versus animals?

The question is unclear and sounds like the outcome of penicillin for us to use against animal contamination, but if you mean what effect penicillin has on animals, it would depend on the biological makeup of the animal. As with humans, some of us have an allergy to penicillin and can become quite ill even thought it was made to help cure us against infection and disease. On the other hand, there have been reports of no effects of penicillin on both some humans and some animals. It would be logical to assume that some animals will suffer adverse effects of penicillin, but I would hope than any administration of such a drug is for their healing and not for testing. I am sure that many humans would be happy to be test dummies as we are the best candidates, especially if we know that animals were tested on and suffered for our own mortality and well being.

Is the Cephalexin Monohydrate Oral capsule for fish tank use equal to human form of antibiotic?

It is of a similar structure to penicillin.

Why doesn't penicillin kill humans?

The penicillin kills bacteria by interfering with repairs to the bacterial cell wall. Human cells don't have a cell wall, and don't use the same enzymes that make the bacteria vulnerable.

Do fish have different organs in their respiratory system than we do?

Yes, fish have gills for respiration, while humans have lungs. Fish use gills to extract oxygen from water, while humans use lungs to extract oxygen from air. Fish also have a swim bladder to help regulate buoyancy, which is not present in humans.

If a person is allergic to penicillium would they be allergic to penicillin?

Yes penicillin is made from a form of penicillium

Why do scientists use bacteria to make penicillin?

Penicillin is a protean made from a FUNGUS, not a bacteria. The strain of fungus used in modern day industrial production is Penicillium chrysogenum.

Can humans take animal penicillin?

Penicillin G is made for humans and animals. " Pen Strep" refers to a mixture solution of one part Penicillin and One part streptomycin. It is a standard antibiotic used for a wide range of gram negative and gram positive bacteria in both animals and humans. You wouldn't want to use animal penicillin on a human because animal penicillin often comes in a higher or lower dose dependent on factors such as weight and lbs per milligram rules. As with any Antibiotic drug....You could overdose and cause serious injury and possibly death. You could under dose which could lead the bacteria to become resistant to the antibiotic which in case, would only lead to the need of another antibiotic to cure the infection.

Can you use penicillin to help with your diverticulitis?

can you take penicillin for diverculitis

Who is Alexander Fleming and what he do?

Fleming discovered that penicillin was a mould that could kill certain types of bacteria that caused disease. The Use of penicillin did not begin until the 1940s when Howard Florey and Ernst Chain made a powder form of penicillin

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