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Yes, hermit crabs can do this because they burrow. In doing this they make air holes to keep a supply of air going to them at all times. This is why it is so important to never bury your hermit crab! In doing this you will not leave an air pocket and have a high risk factor of choking them.

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Q: Can hermit crabs breathe under sand or dirt?
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What is a crab's characteristics?

Hermit crabs can snap a pencil in two! Hermit crabs have been abused by PEOPLE and STILL ARE! :( :( Hermit crabs are not easy pets to take care of hermit crabs molt ( research more about it) Hermit crabs need 70 - 80% / F , Humidity and temp Hermit crabs LOVE to climb trees! Hermit crabs are very social get at least 2! hermit crabs get their names cause of the 1 shell on their back Hermit crabs need distilled water and SEA salt water Hermit crabs have modified gills Hermit crabs are scavengers ect . . . ect . . .

How do hermit crabs bathe?

They just slide in the salt ( SEA salt) water and slide out. they also clean them selves by rubbing all the dirt off them.

Can you put hermit crabs in with sand crabs?

I really don't think you shoulden't because hermit crabs aren't where expirensed with other crabs what i'm trying to say is that the other crab might try to take him out of his shell and eat him but hey what do i know i'm 10

Can you put aquarium gravel in a hermit crab cage?

No. Hermit Crabs need a substrate that will allow them to bury themselves. They cannot bury themselves in gravel. I suggest sand, but it can get messy and attract sand fleas. A ggod idea is to look for substrates out here that are "hermit crab friendly". There are several and a great brand is "T-Rex" or "" since most reptile supply companies also make products for Hermit Crabs because they need similar habitats.

Are wood shavings good to put in a herment crab cage?

No, not if they are like wood chips because then the hermit crab won't be able to dig underground to molt. i would use play sand or coconut fiber dirt, i would also use coco huck dirt, anything that a hermit crab can dig in.

Can a hermit crab walk on dirt?

yes it can

What happens when a hermit crab changes its shell the day you get it?

That means that it needed a new shell. hermit crabs have been abused for years and still are. The pet keepers dont give them anything they need. extra shells,Dirt,Room,Water,Salt water, food, the right temp, the right humidity ect.

What eats crabs in the ocean?

The flat fish that hide under the ocean dirt, are the ones to most likely eat crabs in the ocean. Mostly, the camoflauged fish eat crabs in the ocean. Segulls are also most commenly to eat this to. Seagulls eat crabs that live on the shore or, wah up on the shore.

What in the ocean eats crab?

The flat fish that hide under the ocean dirt, are the ones to most likely eat crabs in the ocean. Mostly, the camoflauged fish eat crabs in the ocean. Segulls are also most commenly to eat this to. Seagulls eat crabs that live on the shore or, wah up on the shore.

Do earthworms breathe in dirt?

yes earthworms do breath in dirt they do this through their skin as they have moist skin

What is the name of the dirt layer under the grass?

The dirt under grass can be called soil.

How do you take care of pet hermit crabs?

FlooringThe ground of a hermit crabs tank should include sand, a little dirt, rocks and broken coral pieces (all store bought only or can carry mites or diseases). Maintaining clean sand isn't really a problem because hermit crabs aren't really messy.2-3 inches or sand is required for burrowing of the crabs.HousingI have 6 healthy hermit crabs living in a ten(10) gallon tank. Size differences will not be a problem because hermit crabs get along well. It is highly recommended that your crabs have cage mates because in the wild there pack animals.Selecting a healthy hermit crabSome pet stores will allow you to hold or observe their crabs before choosing the one you want. Look for moving antenna noticing your looking inside their cage and if there running away from you. Look for a crab that is a bright red in color, no swollen limbs. If a pet store does not have a giant collection of empty shells in the tank, then don't buy any. Hermit crabs NEED extra shells to switch into and if don't have a big selection of them, are probably not healthy and may die due to stress. Avoid hermit crabs that are just hanging out in the middle or the cage unaware that anything is going on.DietHermit crabs will eat just about anything from tree bark to other dead crustaceans. This includes leaves (preferably dry and crunchy),peanut butter, popcorn, fruits, vegies, crackers, applesauce, nuts, grass ,fish(dead only), cereal and everything in between. MAKE SURE NOT OF THESE PRODUCTS CONTAIN BUTTER OR SALT BOTH CAN POISON YOUR HERMIT CRAB!!! Remove all food the day after you put them in for in the hermit crabs humid habitat they will rot quickly. All foods found outside should be cleans WITHOUT soap.HeatingHermit crabs come from a tropical environment so temperatures should stay around 70-83 degrees daily and night time temperatures should cool to around the high 60s to the low 70s.If your house is colder at night they make inferred bulbs so the animal can think its night because they cant see red and heats them up also it makes nocturnal viewing possible. Commercial goods like the hermit crab heater can be bought at pet stores. A UVA bulb is also required for sun rays.WaterHermit crabs do need oxygen as well as they need water. You may think they breath to get oxygen, but no, hermit crabs have gills like fish. Oxygen is assimilated through water in the bloodstream, so it is very important to keep the humidity in your crabs enclosure at least 60 as seen on a humidity gauge. A humidity gauge isn't required as long as your smart enough to know you sprayed their cage enough. I say this because humidity gauges are very pricey, 15$ for a small one. Fresh and salt water is needed in their cage for drinking and salt water transfers calcium and keeps limbs hard and healthy. KEEP A SPONGE IN EACH WATER BOWLS AT ALL TIMES. Without the sponges, your hermit crabs have a very larger chance of drowning. Sponges can be bought at most pet stores. Tap water requires conditioner to take chlorine out and other harmfull materials.HabitatHermit crabs need lots of different hiding spots especially for a colony of crabs in one enclosure. All pet stores that sells anything at all in the reptile region should cover this. Pet stores with this sell artificial and real little tree chunks with a hollowed center or for decoration many sell "hermit hotels", a tall "building" with a hermit crab logo with a welcome sign on the front. For my crabs I found in the aquarium section a sponge bob squarepants and squidward house which i put in their habitat. I found that with those, the windows are small holes which the crabs use to climb to the top of the house.Behavior and HandlingHermit crabs are very sensitive animals and have moods. All but one of my hermit crabs have let me hold them and the last one pinched me. WARNING:HERMIT CRAB PINCHES HURT!!! Their rough skin along with rigid edges on the inside of the claw, provide a very hard pinch. When they pinch its either you made them made or there in a bad mood. When I got pinched the little guy wouldn't let go and it took dipping him upside down underwater to get him off. NEVER TRY TO TAKE YOUR HERMIT CRAB OUT OF THEIR SHELL!!! The inner soft tail of the crab is their most sensitive part and the crab will fight to the death to stay in the shell. Rarely you can catch a glimpse of your crab out of there shell which they only do when they molt. I saw it myself and its an amazing sight because they come out for less than 5 seconds about once every two months. To hold your hermit crab place it on for hand flat and if hes in a happy mood he will come out and walk. You will notice the crab will walk around upside down under your hand. Make sure you catch him if he falls. Avoid walking around with your crab because that ticks them off encouraging pinching.