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Platys and black skirt tetras can live together. Harlequin rasboras, platys, and guppies are smaller than black skirt tetras and would do well together. However, the black skirts nip at fins, so if you have fancy tail guppies it is not recomended to put them in a smaller tank together.

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Q: Can harlequin rasboras and black skirt tetras and platys and guppies live together?
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What can be in tank with assorted platys?

some goldfish, mollies, and guppies

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Can platys and guppies live with a fighter fish?

guppys, not. not sure bout the others

What fish get along with each other?

Many many many fish get along with guppies. Guppies are very peaceful live bearing fish. They breed readily in the aquarium and quite prolifically if left unchecked. Some suggested tank mates are, most kinds of tetras (not all), rasboras, danios, platys, mollies, swordtails, cherry barbs, gold barbs, just to name a few. Look up info online about guppies and most info will list suitable tanks mates.

What can you put in my 55 gallon tank that would coexist with guppies mollies platys dwarf gouramis?

Bristlenose catfish

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no cories cant interbreed with any of those fish. bronze cories breed with bronze cories

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Platys are not mid water or bottom fish they are like guppies live at the top

What home aquarium fish are pregnant?

Guppies, mollies and platys become pregnant and give birth to their young, live, instead of laying eggs.

What variety of fish can be kept at home aquarium?

Guppies, Neon tetras, lemon tetras, cory catfish (bronze), oto sucking catfish, platys etc.

Is goldfish and a molly are the same species?

No a Goldfish is it's own species, while the Black Molly belongs to the Livebearer family (Guppies,Swordtails, Platys and Mollies

Do fish only breed with the same species in an aquarium?

Yes most of the time, I'm referring to mollies mating with mollies, guppies mating with guppies, not mollies mating with guppies. I have seen platies and swordtails bred. There is a reason why this can happen. Platys and Swordtails are from the same Genus (Xiphorous) The Swordtail is X. hellerii. The Platty is X. maculatus.

What are some good friendly small colorfull fish for a 5 gal tank?

Guppies, Mollies, Platys and Danios are all good friendly small colourful fish. tom. ----