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yes, buts its not neccesary unless it is ill.

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Q: Can hamsters get a chekup at the vet?
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Can hamsters get epilepsy?

Yes Hamsters can and if you think yours has then get it to a vet as they can have seizures.

What to do when your hamsters are in labor?

take her to a vet asap

What do you do if a hamsters bleeding on its eye?

Take it to the vet.

Is breeding hamsters easy?

No! Hamsters tend to fight rather then do it. Check with your vet about hamster breeding.

Is there anything special that you have to do when hamsters are born?

take them to the vet

Can hamsters have fleas or mites?

Yes, hamsters can get mites. Consult a vet over the best way to treat.

What to do if hamsters feet are peeling?

take them to the vet and ask and they will say :-)

What should you do when your hamsters face is torn up?

take him to the vet

What do you do if your hamsters eye is poped out a little bit?

take him to the vet

How do you shorten hamsters claws?

You could just take them to a vet

What do you do if your hamsters are fighting in hamsters life 2?

separate them they may get injured if they always fight.if they do get injured go to the vet

How do you cure your hamsters eye infection?

go to the pet store or the vet the vet will suggest what medicine is best for your hamsters condition or the store you just look for medicine and they might have eye drops or something