hamsters eat many different things: vegetables, seeds, nuts, some types of fruit, bread. my hamsters favourite is celery :)
Hamsters can eat bread, but if you give them too much it can make them seriously fat and obese. That will eventually lead to death. P.S. Please recommend me!!
Yes! dwarf hamsters can eat plain bread as long as it does not have anything like spices or raisins or cinnamon in it.
Hamsters can eat sunflower seeds and can eat alot of things that you eat.They eat french fries,cheetos,bread pieces,but if you think your hamsters aren't getting enough water,just feed them cucumbers.But,I do not know what gerbils eat.
hamsters can not eat chick weed
yes, snakes will eat small animals such as hamsters.
Hamsters can eat baby tomatoes, its good for them
Only the tops. Hamsters can get gas or bloating if they eat beets.
Hamsters eat fruits and vegetables.
yes and no because hamsters sometimes eat sertan things
no because things hamsters can't eat are in it
No hamsters are cannabillistic