Be careful what people at a store tell you, I was there today asking questions about my betta and I ended up with two conflicting responses. I am planning on putting ghost shrimp with both my halfmoon male and halfmoon female. The more aggressive the betta and the size of the betta will factor in on what happens with the ghost shrimp. The worst that could happen is the betta will eat them but they are very cheap (37 cents at my pet store). Bettas stay more at the top where shrimp are on the bottom. Should not be a problem!
Fish that are compatible with male bettas in a community tank are peaceful, non-aggressive species that do not resemble bettas or have long, flowing fins. Some examples include neon tetras, dwarf corydoras, and ghost shrimp. It is important to monitor their interactions closely to prevent any aggression.
A lot of people believe bettas are aggressive to everything they see. That is not true at all. Male betta's can live with any fish that does not bear a strong resemblance to it(like guppies for example) Female bettas can live with anything. The only exception to this rule is fish that will eat bettas like oscars. They also do very well with African dwarf frogs and ghost shrimp. You can add fish or other animals if you have at least a 10 gallon tank with a filter and not just a bowl. This is my 30 gallon tank setup My half-moon betta Flare 4 zebra danios 5 neon tetras 4 cardinal tetras(The cardinals and neons school) 4 ghost shrimp 1 ottocinclus catfish 3 mystery snails The betta is super chill about all the other fish
You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.
No. Male Bettas will not tolerate another Betta in its vicinity.
To name a ghost shrimp, you can't just name it ''Shrimpie'' or ''Glassy''. Make up a cool name for your ghost shrimp like ''Spirit of the dead'' or ''Vincent Valentine'' or even better,''Soul shrimp''. If it's a female, feel free to name it ''Tifa". Or if it's a male, name it "Ichigo".
To name a ghost shrimp, you can't just name it ''Shrimpie'' or ''Glassy''. Make up a cool name for your ghost shrimp like ''Spirit of the dead'' or ''Vincent Valentine'' or even better,''Soul shrimp''. If it's a female, feel free to name it ''Tifa". Or if it's a male, name it "Ichigo".
Contrary to common belief, bettas DO NOT live in tiny puddles or footprints. Bettas live in rice patties in the far east. These rice patties are the size of the drainage ditches along most major highways, and are stacked next to each other for hundreds of acres. Male bettas often claim entire patties as their territory
Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish
They see them the same as other male bettas,as competition,they cannot tell the diffrence between their reflections and other bettas.
male bettas are independent and crayfish can be are algae eaters can live alone too.
No. Male Bettas only fight with other male Bettas.
No the two male bettas will kill each other if they are put in the same tank.