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no. fruit juice with mold can be boiled but it would take some of the flavor out and the mold would spread so you couldn't see it but you still would be drinking some of the chemicals in the juice. and the mold

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Q: Can fruit juice with mold developing be boiled and used?
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Can apple juice have mold in it?

Yes, Molds can also develop in harvested fruit if it is held too long before processing

You need to grow mold for a project?

Try putting soil in a styrofoam cup. Then water it with fruit juice. It took us 3 days or so for quite a bit of mold to form.

How does using lemon juice as an inhibitor help to preserve fruit?

Lemon juice is acidic, which lowers the pH of the fruit and creates an environment that is less hospitable to bacteria, mold, and enzymes that cause spoilage. This acidity helps slow down the oxidation process, which helps to preserve the fruit and maintain its freshness for a longer period of time.

Moldy fruit bad?

Moldy fruit is bad. Mold is a fungus and you can get very sick from Mold

Can you make a jello mold with fruit juice instead of water?

Probably, but it may be a bit too strong if you do that, because the water helps dilute the taste a bit.

What makes fruit mold?

Fruit molds when it is left in a warm, moist environment with access to oxygen. Mold spores land on the fruit and grow into visible mold colonies, breaking down the fruit's sugars and releasing enzymes and chemicals that produce the visible mold.

Why does fruit get moldy?

Mold can grow on any organic material including fruit. Fruit contains water and nutrients that are needed for mold growth.

What fruit molds?

All kinds of fruit mold.

How does lemon juice prevent rotting?

it doesnt the lemon juice its self will mold too.

Why does juice grow mold?

it doesent reccently i did a science fair project and it didnt mold at all

Does grape juice grow mold?

YES. mine did..

Which fruit will mold faster than an apple?

a banana will mold faster than a apple