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Food that is stuck in the throat can either be choked up back into your mouth or with great difficulty, swallowed. There is also a chance it goes into the other tube, to the area where you be careful

If food is stuck for longer than 20 minutes go to the emergency room.

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Q: Can food that is stuck in throat go anywhere else?
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Is it impossible for your food to get stuck in your throat and then you can not breathe?

No, it is possible.

If something is stuck in my throat will i choke?

If an object or food is stuck in a persons throat, they will choke if it is a life threatening situation. In most cases, the object or food will flow through the digestive tract as it turns into fecal matter.

What do you do about food stuck in your throat after gastric bypass surgery?

Swallow or throw up.

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If a turtle has food stuck in it's throat then put him in some water, if that doesn't work after 20 minutes then get him to the emergency vet. Even if that vet does not really treat reptiles in an emergency they should help.

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bones can get stuck in your throat and it would be hard for your stomach to digest it.

What will happen if the trachea is made up of hard bones?

Food would get stuck in your throat when you tried to swallow.

What is fast food in Rome?

Much the same as it is anywhere else

What are the effects of harmful food?

solid food (not able to be digested ) can become logged in your throat. it could get stuck in your intestines and slice you , causing internal bleeding

What are two possible problems with swallowing food before you chew it properly?

The food can get stuck in your throat and you could choke, or you might have problems pooping it later.

What are the harmful effects of solid food?

solid food (not able to be digested ) can become logged in your throat. it could get stuck in your intestines and slice you , causing internal bleeding

What kind of doctor do you go to for food stuck in the back of your throat?

i am only in third grade i would go to the doctor that your grandmah died at.

What is the food that africans eat?

They can eat whatever they like, just like anybody else anywhere else in the world.