yes if you have a weak heart or A-fib, wassaby could seriously harm you. if you are not that good with spicy foods, you'll notice that every time you eat something spicy your heart beats will increase. and yes depending how your body handles spicy tastes and how solid is you heart you might or might not make it... at least if not die seriously injure yourself or faint, etc... all depends on lots of factors
to answer your question: possibly? yes. most likely? not
Due to its liver and gallbladder stimulating effects, eating wasabi may cause gastrointestinal disturbances, including diarrhea and nausea.
no but you should not they do po a lot if you feed em it
Eating wasabi for Shaun and Andy but for Bradie, being touched on the stomach.
Yes, wasabi is spicy.
Wasabi typically contains a minimal amount of sodium, as it is primarily made from horseradish. The amount can vary depending on the specific brand or type, but it is generally low in sodium content.
It's a Japanese horseradish called Wasabi!
yes it is it also cames from wasabi peas :) ;)
Wasabi was released on 09/27/2002.
The Production Budget for Wasabi was $15,300,000.
wasabi nuts are a type of peanut that is covered in a wasabi flavoured crust, much like barbecue peanuts.