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yes. although it does so by raising the levels of the drug in your system. so be careful, especially if you are not used to the drug you're taking.

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Q: Can drinking grapefruit juice make pain pills work better?
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Does drinking orange juice to help swallow vitamins and other pills affect the results of the pills?

NO. I don't see why it would either. It's just a drink. I've used orange juice to swallow pills plenty of times, and nothing has ever happened. So to answer your question, Drinking orange juice to help swallow vitamins and other pills do not affect the results of the pills.

Will drinking a gallon of orange juice shorten the time THC will stay in your system?

no only detox pills

What blood pressure pills should not be taken with grapefruit?

You should take Viagra For high blood pressure, it is good because you can take it with grapefruit. Grapefruit increases the effectiveness of blood pressure pills, therefore, the normal dosage that you take without grapefruit will become an overdose with grapefruit.

Does soda pop reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills?

No. It does not. Nor will it ever. That is a complete myth. The only ones you need to worry about, are ones like Fresca which contain REAL grapefruit juice. Grapefruit is known to interact with many drugs, including birth control. Grapefruit slows down your body's ability to eliminate the estrogen from your pills which leaves it circulating in your system longer which then greatly increases all of the risks that birth control carries. You can still drink it, (I do) but sparingly and not often.

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results have proved to us that the anti fungus pills react better to the problem if you drink the pills with a bottle of beer but it has to be corona.

Will Salt pills help to stop leg cramps?

Try eating bananas or drinking orange juice to replace the potassium in your system. If you are taking vitamins, take a regular dose of calcium and magnesium.

Can you fail a drug test from drinking chocolate milk?

Yea it absorbs the toxins. Usually people use it to sober up but it somewhat helps. I suggest detox tea from a health store but its a little expensive.Unless its for weed. In that case just drink some cranberry juice cranberry pills work better though.

What does heart medication has to do with grapefruits?

Grapefruits have many risks if eaten excessively, or even with moderated consumption:Drug InteractionsChemicals in the pulp and juice of grapefruit affect the efficiency of enzymes needed to break down prescription drugs in your body. If you can't metabolize them as manufacturers anticipate you will, you may end up with dangerously high levels of certain medications in your blood. This increases the severity of side effects associated with the particular drug you're taking. The drugs that have proved to not interact well with grapefruit are antidepressants, anti-seizure medications and immunosuppressants, according to Saquinavir, a drug used in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus, is dangerous to take with grapefruit. Properties in the juice and pulp also affect statins taken for high cholesterol and calcium channel blockers for high blood pressure. warns that even drinking grapefruit juice a day after you've taken any of these medications can have adverse effects. In addition, says that grapefruit might possibly affect the efficiency of antihistamines. Sponsored LinksBlood Clotting RiskDr. Lucinda Grande of St. Peter Family Medicine in Washington reported in the medical journal, "The Lancet," that one of her patients suffered serious blood clotting when she started on a diet that required eating grapefruit each morning. The woman was also on birth control pills. Grande concluded that her patient was already at risk for clotting, and adding grapefruit to her diet compounded her problems. It disabled an important enzyme that would have metabolized the estrogen in her birth control pills. Liddle's SyndromeLiddle's Syndrome is a serious disorder characterized by over-efficient renal activity, resulting in the reabsorption of sodium that your body ordinarily would flush out. This also causes loss of potassium and loss of aldosterone. indicates that grapefruit in high doses can cause this condition. Aetna InteliHealth reports that grapefruit in excess can affect your potassium and aldosterone levels. Kidney StonesReports conflict as to whether grapefruit and grapefruit juice are good for kidney stones or may cause them. Aetna InteliHealth says that tests and studies have shown mixed results. Aetna warns against eating too much of this fruit or drinking too much of its juice if you are prone to kidney stones; speaking first with your physician is advised. High Blood PressureGrapefruit in high quantities might impact your body's ability to convert cortisol to cortisone, and this can affect blood pressure.

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What is the better pills used after menstruation?

The better pills that is used after menstruation is used to reduce the cramps. Talk to your gynaecologist for the best pills to use after menstruation.

Will jogging 5 miles a day clean THC out of your system?

Yes when you run you burn fat and that helps flush out some of the thc. I've heard niacin pills work, drinking cranberry juice & water may work as well...

Semenx pills is good or volume pills which one is better medicine?

Both Semenx pills and Volume pills are good medicines and have side effects ranging from one person to another. On a personal level the Semenx pills is better medicine.