With rare exceptions, Dolphins eat fish and squid. Killer whales will eat seals and turtles. Blue whales eat plankton and brill. But one thing is for sure -- it is all seafood.
bananas eat by jumping up an down jk i really dont think bananas can eat
Bananas Are Awesome. That's about bananas
They are apes, but they do NOT eat bananas.
do butterflies eat bananas
Well i dolphins and crabs and bananas
I dont eat it I suck it Answered by: John salchichoni
Mice can eat bananas. Bananas are more prone to be eaten by mice if they are raw (in plantain form) and they have not been stored properly.
Yes dolphins eat a lot.
No dolphins cannot eat books.
monkeys don't only eat bananas they eat other fruit
Dolphins normally eat fish and squid.