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No, rabbits can't eat hummus. Rabbits shouldn't eat any sauces, spreads, or any kind of prepared "human" foods at all. Aside from their commercial pellets, rabbits should stick to natural, whole foods: hay, fresh leafy greens, and fresh fruits and vegetables as treats. See the related question below to find out more about a good rabbit diet.

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12y ago

No, rabbits can't eat couscous, or any processed grain products (like pasta, crackers, oatmeal, cereal, bread, rice, etc). Wild rabbits eat the occasional grain product in its whole form (not processed or cooked), but the nutrients that wild rabbits get from grains are put into pellets for pet rabbits: any more grains, nuts, or seeds in a pet rabbit's diet are unhealthy. Aside from their pellets, pet rabbits should eat a diet of natural plant foods: hay, and certain vegetables and fruits in moderation. See the related question below for more info and links about a healthy rabbit diet.

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12y ago

No not at all! Rabbits can not eat Nutella, as it contains nuts and chocolate and by feeding your rabbit nutella, you could possibly even kill it! Rabbits need vegetables, like carrot as a treat as its high in sugar, spinach, broccoli, and many leafy greens.

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