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It's never advisable to re-freeze raw meat once it has been defrosted especially sea food - the worse kind of food poisoning is from sea food.

Shop bought shrimp are generally safe to freeze immediatly after purchase, but once defrosted, they are exposed to harmful bacteria which can spoil them, and therefore they cannot be refrozen. Defrosted shrimp should be covered and stored in the fridge, and consumed within two days.

-The following is from the UK Food Standards agency -

When you buy prawns from a supermarket or fishmonger, they might have been frozen before, even if they aren't frozen when you buy them. Check the label or ask the person serving you, if you're not sure. You shouldn't freeze prawns that have already been defrosted.

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15y ago
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17y ago

Yes. It may loose some flavor or texture. Make sure it is cooked not served raw after that.

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16y ago


never refreeze any food that has been thawed!

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15y ago

yea if you put them in the freezer over night they will freeze but why wait i eat them right there when there done

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15y ago

No! Once thawed, you cannot safely refreeze shrimp.

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15y ago

Yes, it can be frozen. This is the best way to store this food. Place in an airtight container and freeze for up to a Year.

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15y ago

re freezing food stuffs can be done , but the quality will not be good. Once something is frozen and thawed it should be eaten if not give to the animals . Crows love shrimp!

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nothing should be "refrozen." once something is frozen and thawed it really needs to be cooked or you'd be running the risk of food poisoning

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Food which has been cooked can be frozen, even if it was frozen prior to cooking. BUT Frozen food which has been thawed, but not cooked, should never be re-frozen. Nor should food which was cooked, frozen and thawed.

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Raw meat, whether venison or beef or any other type, can be frozen once. If frozen raw meat is thawed, it should be cooked and eaten, or cooked and refrozen. Once cooked venison is thawed it should not be refrozen.

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Once thawed or defrosted, food or beverage must be cooked or consumed within a few hours.

What must you do immediately after thawing food in a microwave?

Once thawed, the food should be cooked properly. Once cooked, the food can be eaten hot, or quickly cooled and put into a fridge to be eaten in a day or two. The food should not be refrozen once thawed.

Can thawed cround beef made intoa meat loaf be refrozen?

Once frozen, meat should not be refrozen without being cooked first. So if you have thawed 2 pounds of ground beef and then you bake a meatloaf with it, then you can re-freeze the meatloaf. But don't re-freeze the raw hamburger.

Chicken thawed in the freezer then refrozen?

Depends on what temperature the chicken got to before "refreezing". Once it gets over 40F it should be cooked or discarded.

Can raw shrimp be refrozen?

Raw shrimp cannot be refrozen. This is because the raw shrimp will get freezer burned and could grow harmful bacteria.