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Yes any type of meat can be frozen, but that isn't healthy just put it in the refrigerator to keep it cool and from rotting.

If you can't use the meat straight away, it's better and safer to freeze it than to keep it for more than a day or so in the fridge.

Meat, frozen raw or cooked, is perfectly healthy provided it's handled correctly. Hot food should be allowed to cool and then packed into a freezer bag or other container and sealed properly.

Raw meat should go straight into the freezer right after you buy it, again in a properly-sealed container.

Ideally the pack should be labelled with the date you need to use it by.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Certainly; as you cook it, the pork will thaw first, and then cook normally. The tricky part would be to cut it while it is frozen. But if you want to cook it first and cut it up afterwards, no problem.

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15y ago

Meats freeze and keep well in the freezer. You can store them over a year if kept frozen. Freezing is the best way to preserve foods.

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9y ago

Cooked pork should be good refrigerated 3 to 4 days. If you want to keep it longer, you should freeze it.

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13y ago

I believe so.

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Q: Can cooked pork be frozen
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How long can cooked pork joint be frozen for?

Cooked pork joint can be frozen for as long as it remains in temperatures that keep it in such a state. However, the recommended amount of time to keep from freezer burn is two or three months in a freezer.

Can cooked roast of pork be frozen and then thawed out to eat?

Yes it can be frozen but should always be defrosted thoroughly before cooking.

Can you refreeze pork butt after you make it into links?

yes, I have slow cooked pork butt, shredded it and frozen it. It comes back fine, if slowly thawed

What temperature is best to cook a frozen pork shoulder?

There are specially prepared pork joints that can be cooked from frozen however if the pork joint is not one of these then the pork should not be cooked from frozen as it is too high risk of not being cooked properly or reaching high enough temperatures to kill food poisoning bacteria. Pork is best to be thawed in the fridge over a 48 hour period. Alternatively, you can defrost in the microwave. You can also place the joint in a bowl place it in the sink and let cold water run over the joint for about an hour.

What is the thing that if cooked frozen?

The thing if cooked frozen is that thing you cooked frozen.

Roundworm associated with under cooked pork?

Roundworm is associated with under cooked pork.

If chop meat was frozen then cooked can it be refrozen?

Food which has been cooked can be frozen, even if it was frozen prior to cooking. BUT Frozen food which has been thawed, but not cooked, should never be re-frozen. Nor should food which was cooked, frozen and thawed.

How long can you leave cooked pork out before it is not safe to eat?

Cooked pork at room temperature is safe to eat for a few hours. If stored in the refrigerator, cooked pork is safe to eat for 3 to 5 days. If you freeze the cooked pork, you can store it for 4 months.

How long do cooked spareribs stay good for?

Frozen meats, include pork ribs will never spoil. They will simply lost quality and taste.

Does shoulder bacon have to be cooked?

Yes, it does have to be cooked. All pork should be cooked fully before eating. Humans can get sick eating under cooked pork.

How long should frozen pork cook for?

Pork should be cooked to the internal temperature of 77 degrees C (170 degrees F). If pork is not properly cooked the consumer my contract trichinosis. Trichinosis is caused by tiny worms that live in the pork muscle. These worms, Trichinella spiralis, grow in the consumer's intestines and cause diarrhea, fever, fatigue, muscle pain, and, in sever infections, fatal damage to the heart and brain tissues.