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my chickens seem to love it.

haven't seen any adverse problems yet.

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Q: Can chickens eat pineapple rinds
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Related questions

Are pineapple rinds editable?

although they are extra chewey and might not taste so good the pineapple rinds are edible

Can you feed chickens watermelon rinds and watermelon meat?

Of course! I have 2 healthy chickens in my back yard and they eat all of our dinner scraps, such as corn, left over fats from meats, berries etc. They love it and plus its healthy. The rinds from the watermelon are perfectly good for the chickens.

Can chickens eat pineapple?

Chickens usually peck food off of the ground while pineapples grow above ground. It is therefore unlikely a chicken would eat a pineapple. There is nothing stopping the chicken from eating it if the pineapple were to fall to the ground.

How do you use rinds in a sentence?

The woman put cut lemon rinds into the disposal to make it smell fresh.Don't eat the watermelon rinds!The kids ate the cantelope, but threw the rinds on the ground.

Can you eat orange rinds?

Yes, yes you can

Can you feed mango scraps to your chickens?

yes but as long as it isn't : chicken eggs shell

Can guinea pigs eat cucumber rinds?


Do foxes eat chickens?

Foxes do eat chickens, given the chance.Yes

What food do chickens eat?

Chickens eat grians,some wheats and corn.

Does watermelon rinds cause diareaha in guinea pigs?

no.watermelon rinds are a great treat for your pigs and a great way to get rid of the parts you dont want to eat.

What do you do after you eat pineapple?

Does a Pineapple have citrus in it? Your friend, Brianna

Can chickens eat brownies?

yes, chickens can eat brownies