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Yes, they can also eat raw blackeye peas if you crush them.

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Q: Can chickens eat cooked blackeye peas?
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Can chickens eat peas?

Yes, peas are good for chickens.

Can you eat sweet peas?

Yes, you can eat them raw or cooked.

Will you die if you eat peas?

No.However, raisins and grapes can be harmful to dogs.

Do peas have to be cooked or can dogs eat them raw?

They need to be cooked, otherwise the dog can get diarrhea, as well as abdominal cramps and nausea.

Can chickens eat potatoes?

Any cooked potato is fine but never feed rawChickens can not eat raw potato skins. The inside of the potato is fine but the skin must be cooked.

Can chickens eat cooked chicken?

Yes. Many small farms feed cooked meat scraps from the kitchen to the flock. This would include meat and vegetables. Cooked meat would not transfer any possible pathogen from poultry meat fed to the flock. You are safe to do this.

Can chickens eat cooked cream of wheat?

It is not recommended to feed chickens cooked cream of wheat regularly as it is high in carbohydrates and low in essential nutrients. Chickens should primarily be fed a balanced diet of poultry feed, grains, fruits, and vegetables to maintain their health and productivity.

Can you eat pea pods?

Of course. Snow peas and sugar snap peas are cooked and eaten whole (seeds and pods). Sometimes they are even eaten without being cooked, with no harm to come to their consumer. Eating the pods of peas is alright!

What animals eat peas?

Iguanas eat peas as a diet.

Do foxes eat chickens?

Foxes do eat chickens, given the chance.Yes

What food do chickens eat?

Chickens eat grians,some wheats and corn.

Can you develop an allergy to green peppers?

Yes. My son is allergic to green beans. It causes swelling around his eyes, he scracthes his tongue and even gets a rash on his chest and back if he eats enough of them. However, he can eat peas (such as blackeye peas). He can also eat peanut butter. I have a nephew who is allergic to all legumes (that means, no peas, no beans and absolutely no peanut butter). You should have yourself or your kid checked to be sure of the extent of the allergy.