While chickens eat practically every type of fruit and vegetable, avocados should NOT be fed to chickens unless you are absolutely positive none of the brown skin covering the pit has sluffed off. The thin-skin of the pit contains Pesin, which is HIGHLY TOXIC to birds. More information can be found in 'Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens' by Gail Damerow on page 107.
Foxes do eat chickens, given the chance.Yes
Chickens eat grians,some wheats and corn.
Yes, you can virtually eat avocados at any age. Once a baby starts eating solid foods, avocados are a great way to introduce solids because of their creamy texture.
yes, chickens can eat brownies
yes, avocados do have fats but good ones but dont eat too much
Chickens eat grit to help with their digestion.
Yes, raccoons do eat chickens.
Yes, chickens can eat grapes! Some chickens love them! Chickens will eat most fruit. Grapes are one of their favourite treats in the fall of the year.
Yes u can
Chickens eat people and also eat themselves =)
You bet they do given the chance. Chickens are voracious opportunistic feeders