

Can carp see colors

Updated: 11/11/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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So... The carp (Common carp - Cyprinus carpio carpio L.) has quite small eyes, compared to its body size. What is more, they are short-sighted - they could see sharply only close objects. Despite of this they can orienting well, eg.: they can notice an intensively moving fisherman, who has different colour, than its environment.

Anyway, experiments have shown, that carps can see colours: they can distinguish red and yellow. I don't know anything about the relationship of other colours and carps.

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One can see a 21st century carp rods selection in the three editions of CarpPro magazine. This is a series of magazines available to read online for no cost.

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The carp we commonly refer to when using that name are the common carp, the grass carp, the bighead carp, the silver carp and the Crucian carp. Certainly there are other fish is this very large family. You may recognize koi as carp, and there are many other members of this group of fish. A full list of them would number in three digits.

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