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first answer: No, bunnies can not eat pickles. Pickles are bad for rabbits and may make them sick (all pickles, but especially dill pickles). Stay away from pickles and try doing other fruits and vegetables such as bananas, grapes, corn, carrots and other fruit. Make sure you check a reliable authority before letting it eat something!

second answer: Rabbits should only eat fresh fruit and vegetables, not preserved ones - nothing pickled, canned, jarred, frozen, cooked, etc. Only fresh.

Corn is not safe for rabbits. Rabbits can't digest corn hulls (the outer layer of each corn kernel). Rabbits have very sensitive digestion, and anything that isn't edible is a big threat for gut impaction and deadly GI stasis. Corn is also high in natural sugars and starches, so it isn't healthy for rabbits. Corn is not part of a rabbit's natural diet. A bit of dried milled corn as an ingredient in rabbit pellets is okay, but that's it.

Safe fruit and vegetables: Dark leafy greens are the best fresh vegetable for rabbits (like romaine lettuce, basil, carrot tops). All other non-leafy vegetables (like carrot) and fruit (like apple) should be considered a treat only. Especially sugary fruit (like banana, grape) should be especially limited! A bite or two is enough. Too many treats will make your rabbit sick.

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