only if they see other male betta fish..they will fight to the death as it is in there goes the name siemiese fighter fish. it will bump into glass if it sees another fighter fish in a tank near it. it will bump the glass hard and can eventually kill itself. i have seen it happen b4. do not make the same mistake that i made. smae thing with the mirrors. people like to put mirrors in betta tanks to wacth them hit it. i find this cruel to the fish as you are teaseing it and makeing it hurt itself
Yes, you can put other fish with betta fish, just no male bettas with other males, females can go with females in a 10 gallon or larger, female with male , i woulnd try.
You cant put bettas with anything larger than a betta no tinny ciclids or ciclids!but any non agressive small fish, with a filter!you need a filter if you have more than one fish, of your fish will die because theryre swimming in their own urin!do slighth water changes every couple of days so they dont swim in urine,
yes bettas can be with other fish
It really depends on the temperament of the Betta you get. It's hard to keep bettas with other fish but is doable if you know what you're doing. In say.. a 20 gallon, you could have a betta with a school of neon tetras. Notice how I say a school. The only reason this works out is because there's too many fish for the betta to focus on at once. The tetras are able to stay safe for the most part. Not to say that the betta doesn't get lucky.. Things do happen.. Something I found interesting is that some people have what's called a Sorority Tank. They'll have at least a 20 gallon and at least 5 female bettas that they introduce to each other very slowly and carefully. Once they establish the pecking order, they tend to live peacefully. But again, not to say that things don't happen..
No, it will not die, but don't be worried by your beta attacking a goldfish. Betas are usually only violent toward other betas, so your goldfish is safe. Also, I believe betas are tropical fish and goldfish are coldwater, but I have heard many sucess stories of betas surviving years in coldwater tanks and bowls. Best of luck
I think because I have had about a hundred betas and every time they were about to die they changed to a different color. yes they do it happened to all my betas before they died and it said on betas .com so I think so!
Not unless you had another fish in there.
Yes, If another fish was to eat the star fish whilst underwater then the star fish would die.
The amount of fish depends on what type want or own. The most popular cold water fish is the gold fish. They are about 2 to 3 inches long. The sizing rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon. I would recommend 1 or 2 gold fish. It is unhealthy for the fish to live in an overpopulated tank. Note to never place 2 or more betas in the same tank or they kill or fight each other.
no because the male and femalebetas are the type of fish that live alone. therefor since their opposite sex then there is a chance of them being OK with each other, so if there is another fish with them then they will attack it and eventually killing each other.
A fish will most likely die if you put a cleaning agent in its fish bowl without removing the fish. You should remove your fish with a net and place it in another safe container until fish bowl is clean.
Answer (Improved!!!)betas fight, male and female alike. keep them separated or 1 or both will die. reason they are called Siamese Fighting Fish.
make it light, then water it and die it red.then put a fish in.water it again and die it blue. put another fish in and then die it green.
No. Depression is a human emotion that we project onto animals, pets in particular. A fish may die if a mate dies, but because a change has occurred that it does not understand, in this circumstance the removal of another fish.
yes a fish dose die
No. People do not die from seeing ghosts.