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No, chilling a banana does not cause it to become toxic.

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Q: Can bananas become toxic after refrigerating?
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How does refrigerating banana affect its potassium content?

It doesn't, now put your bananas in the fridge once they are ripe enough.

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Go ask your cat

Are portable camping fridges considered dangerous goods for air transport?

Refrigerating machines are considered as dangerous goods for air/sea transport. Refrigerating machines may either contain non-flammable non-toxic gasses, ammonia solution or flammable, non-toxic, liquefied gas (UN 2857 & UN 2672)

How do you make banans last longer?

Bananas last longer when kept in the refrigerator. Despite advertising campaigns to the contrary, refrigerating bananas does no harm. The skins will turn black but the fruit will be just fine for several days longer than when kept at room temperature. Bananas also can be frozen whole or cut up, peels or in the peel.

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Is it wise to refrigerate bananas?

No, it is not wise to refrigerate bananas, since they brown much quicker, and it actually removes some of the flavor, believe it or not, so it isn't wise to refrigerate bananas. ---- Yes. (If they are already ripe ! ) === === It's been said that refrigerating bananas causes them to go bad - not true! All it does is discolor the peel, but you're not going to eat that part (are you?). source: The cold temperature of a fridge encourages an enzyme found in bananas (polyphenyl oxidase) to polymerise phenols in the banana skin into polyphenols. This process blackens the banana skins. Most people react negatively to a blackened banana as it is suggestive of rotting but in warmer climates, fridge-kept bananas will remain firmer than those exposed to warmth on the counter-top, which quickly softens bananas. To try and keep fridge-stored bananas yellow and more palatable to the eye, here is a quick trick when refrigerating bananas. # Put ripe bananas into a plastic bag and seal it prior to placing in the fridge. # Place the bag in the crisper. # Consume within usual time. * Avoid refrigerating under-ripe bananas; they cannot ripen any further. Ripening requires the warmth of room temperature to occur. However, putting in ripe bananas will prevent them over-ripening. * Note that the banana in fridge-blackened skin is still perfectly fine to eat! * Avoid storing bananas and apples together on the counter-top; the ethylene produced by apples fastens the browning process of room-temperature bananas. source:

Do you sell Bananas?

Bananas sold green will become yellow and ripe within a day or two.

How does bananas respond to the cold?

Bananas respond fairly poorly to the cold. They tend to shrivel and become smaller.

How did Nathanael Greene become a general?

because he liked bananas

What stage should the bananas used in banana bread be in?

The best stage for using bananas for making banana bread is when the bananas are very ripe. This allows the bananas to become very soft but sweet, which helps add flavour to the bread.

Does beeswax become toxic when heating?

No, beeswax does not become toxic when heated. However, if beeswax is overheated or burned, it can release fumes that may be irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat. It is best to melt beeswax slowly and at a low temperature to avoid overheating.

If a banana spider biteswill you die?

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is one of the most toxic spiders in the world. This spider can often be found in bananas