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You will have to work that out. Snails do nothing to improve the environment. In fact they damage it for fish because they eat plants, take up oxygen, and produce wastes in the tank. 1 small snail is the equivalent of 1 inch of fish. If you count up your stocking rate in inches you will have something like 1 Betta = 3 inches, 5 guppies = 10 inches, 6 whitecouds = 8 inches and 3 corydoras = 8 inches which adds up to around 29 inches of fish. No tank is ever filled to the brim and so you would need at least a 'nominal' 35 gallon tank to house what you already have if you stick to the basic rules of sucessfull fishkeeping. The basic rules are. (:- 1 inch of fish must have at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week.)

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Q: Can a snail live with a betta 5 fancy tail guppys 6 white clouds and 3 Cory catfish?
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Related questions

Can a female betta have fancy fins?

Yes but never as large or fancy as a male.

How do you know if you have a female or male betta fish?

The males are the colorful ones with the fancy tails. No fancy tail, you have a female, they are dull and usually a brown color.

Betta fish scientific name?

For the one you commonly find in pet stores, it's a fancy variety of Betta splendens. The wild B.splendens is green/red and has short fins. There are about two dozen, maybe more to be discovered, other species of Betta also. Such as B.imbellis and B.smaragdina.

When can you relese your baby white mollies in your main tank theres 1 betta 1 audalt white mollie 1 adalt black mollie 5 Cory catfish 2 fancy guppies 2 cardanal teturas 4 white cloud minnows?

You should do this when the babies are big enough that they wont fit into any of the fish mouths.

Can you put a female betta in with fancy tailed guppies?

yes the guppies might eat her fin because they it looks like food .

Fantail boy or girl?

If it is a fantail betta, the boy will have very large, flowing fins. If it is a girl, the fins will be short and not very fancy.

How much water can a clouds hold?

The clouds are rain. all the clouds are is water vapor(thats a fancy name for microscopic water) the water is so SMALL in the clouds it is too light to fall. then when it is heavy enough to fall you get rain

Can a betta be kept with a Cory catfish?

No! Betta males are peacefull fish and mix well with most other species. They will only fight with other Betta males. never mix a male betta with any other type of fish if you want to keep them alive..male bettas a solitary fish and most likely will kill anything in there with it..i know believe me...i heard that you can mix male bettas with ghost shrimp,neon tetras,and Cory betta has killed all of the above..i put some neon tetras and Cory cats with him and within 5 seconds the betta was killing a Cory cat the above is incorrect. but the first one is right. What you have to do is when you get your betta, but him in a ziplock, half air half water; and but the ziplock in the aquarium. I left mine in their for a week ( yes, i fed him ) until he calmed down and realized the other fish weren't a threat or other bettas. Then open the bag and let him swim out. Yes, he may nip when a Cory cat comes near him or chase a fancy guppie or tetra, but he will calm down after about a day. If he dosent return him or put him back in the ziplock. Also don't put the fish in the betta's cage, but the betta in the fish'es cage using the ziplock method. The betta will be more aggressive if fish invade his territory, but if he is in new territory he will be less aggressive.

Is a Bumble bee catfish ok for an ornamental pond?

If I remember correctly, the Bumble bee catfish are more of a tropical fish and need a more controlled & warmer water temp. In your ornamental pond, I am assuming that you are going to be adding fancy goldfish which love cold water.

What is the geographical origin of Betta fish?

The common Betta splendens originates from Thailand and Myanmar, possibly also found in Cambodia and Vietnam. The fancy long-tailed variety is descended from Thai Fighting Plakats, not from their wild counterpart, hence the attitude. There are other species of Betta too, the all originate from the same kind of area though. They have been introduced in other countries.

Is their a freshwater aquarium fish that is purple?

Tons of purple fish are tropical! many cichlids are purple, and a few Betta are too!

Are young betta's aggressive I have a new betta around 6 months and want to buy guppies and i figured if they aren't as aggressive when they are young he might not eat them or kill them?

A six month old betta is already full grown and able to breed. As long as they're not fancy guppies with long bright fins they may be okay, some bettas are just more aggressive than others.