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A 15-year-old is not eligible for emancipation in any of the few states that have grounds and procedures for the act. If the minor needs assistance due to being in an abusive environment and/or her pregnancy she should contact the state's division of child protective services. Please be advised, if an investigation finds that the minor has been subjected to abuse and/or neglect she will be taken into custody by social services and placed in a group or foster home to await a court hearing to determine what action, if any is needed. Regardless of the findings of an investigation the judge will not allow the minor female to move in with the father of her child. The court will either remand her back into the custody of her parents or declare the minor to be under the protection of the state and place her with a legal guardian or in a foster or group home. Birthright, 1-800-550-4900, (for medical, counseling and legal assistance). National Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-422-4453 or 1-800-252-2873 National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence website,

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Q: Can a pregnant 15-year-old be emancipated if her father is abusive and will not allow her to live with the father of her baby?
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Speaking to an attorney is obviously the most recommended. But if you are concerned with the safety of your brother then talk to the police. This I a serious issue. I've gone through the same problem with friends and I've actually had one of u friends come and stay with me while his priest consulted with him and eventually he was emancipated because of the attorney.

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If the parents give permission she can marry him and that emancipates her.

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Possibly. In this case, it doesn't appear that the child is "emancipated."

What happens if your 15 and pregnant in minnasota?

You are emancipated regarding the pregnancy so the choice is yours whether to keep it or not. If you choose adoption the father have to sign his rights away as well.

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Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a person. You are still a minor and therefore under the control of your parents (unless you have been emancipated by the court).

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There is no such status as medically emancipated. A minor female bearing a child has no bearing on her underage status. A minor becomes emancipated by: Being granted emancipation rights through the court of jurisdiction and marriage. It means you are the only one deciding regarding your health when you are pregnant. No one can tell you what to do regarding the pregnancy or the child when he/she is born. You are the only one who decides.

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well I don't think that you can. I think that you have to have more reason then your father yells at you. You can get emacipated at 16 in Oklahoma but you have to have a very good reason.

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For a minor seeking emancipation it's up to the judge but she can apply if she fills the criteria.

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Missouri does not have emancipation of minors statues so there can be no court procedure concerning such. If there is abuse you should enlist the help of a trusted adult such as a teacher or contact the state's child protective services for assistance.

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