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No it feeds off of dead organisms

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They lack photosynthetic pigments.

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Q: Can a mushroom produce there own food?
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What has photosynthesis?

All plants that produce their own food, but a mushroom cannot produce their own food.

I have roots and a stem but i do not produce a flower fruits or seeds i have no chlorophyll to make my own food so i don't need sunlight i have gills that produce spores what am i?


Is a mushroom a heterotrough or autotrough?

A mushroom is a heterotroph, meaning it obtains its nutrition by consuming organic matter from other sources. It cannot produce its own food through photosynthesis like autotrophs.

Can a mushroom digest its food?

no it cant digest its own food

How do you call the plants that produce their own food?

All plants produce there own food through photosynthesis, although to do that they need water and carbon dioxide (H20+C02-->light-->glucose and 02). Plants that do not produce their own food are called Fungi (mushroom and toadstools). Although Fungi aren't actual plants they have their own place in the tree of life completetly separated from the branches of plants and animals.

What are the names for organisms that produce their own food and those that do not produce their own food?

Producer produce their own foods; consumers do not.

What is an organism called when it does not produce its own food?

It is called single celled when it DOES produce its own food and multi celled when it can't produce its own food.

What type of fungus is produced by mushrooms?

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of fungi belonging to the phylum Basidiomycota. These fungi produce spores in structures called basidia, which are found on the gills or pores of the mushroom cap.

How are they difference of mushroom and seaweed?

Mushrooms are fungi that grow on land, while seaweed is a type of algae that grows in water. Mushrooms are typically harvested for culinary purposes, while seaweed is commonly used in various dishes and products, such as sushi and skincare. Both mushrooms and seaweed are nutritious sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

What is an organism that can not make its own food?

An organism that cannot make its own food is called a heterotroph. Heterotrophs rely on external sources of organic compounds for nutrition, as they cannot perform photosynthesis or chemosynthesis to produce their own food. Examples include animals, fungi, and some bacteria.

What organisms produce their own food?

Plants, algae, and certain bacteria are organisms that are able to produce their own food through a process called photosynthesis. These organisms have chlorophyll, a pigment that allows them to convert sunlight into energy to make their own organic compounds like sugars.

How cat produce his own food?

Cats cannot produce their own food. They are obligate carnivores, meaning they need to consume animal flesh to meet their nutritional requirements. Cats rely on a diet of meat for essential nutrients such as taurine, which they cannot produce on their own.