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yes it is sure that people can have babys like marge off the simpsons had 3 children, not all bright of course but she had 3

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Q: Can a male hermaphrodite have a baby?
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If a baby boy is born without testicles a hermaphrodite or can he develop testicles later?

Only a doctor can determine that, a hermaphrodite has both sex organs of both male and female.

What is the chance of a baby being born a hermaphrodite?

0.03 to 0.5 chance of a baby being born a hermaphrodite

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Does a hermaphrodite possess both male and female reproductive organs?

Yes, a hermaphrodite is an organism that possesses both male and female reproductive organs.

What does it mean for an organism to be hermaphrodite?

To be a hermaphrodite means having both male and female sex organs.

What is a Nanner?

the male part of a hermaphrodite plant.

What does a hermaphrodite possess in terms of reproductive organs?

A hermaphrodite possesses both male and female reproductive organs.

Are starfish genderless?

Starfish can be male, female, or hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite is a plant or animal that has reproductive organs of both sexes.

What do you call an animal which is neither male and female?

A hermaphrodite.

Do male hermaphrodite have testicles?

If you're talking about a "male" Hermaphrodite, then yes. if "female" no. However if you're talking about an Intersex (BOTH sex organs work) then also yes.

How do you use hermaphrodite in a sentence?

Alex was neither fully male or fully female; Alex was in fact a hermaphrodite.

What does a hermaphrodite look like?

A hermaphrodite is an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs. In humans, a hermaphrodite may have physical characteristics of both sexes, such as ambiguous genitalia.