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Usually it will depend on the type of hamster you get, but they are smart enough to not chew on the wood cage. If you still feel uncomfortable about a wood cage get them a wood piece for them to chew on. But the best thing for them is a plastic starter kit from Petco, not only does it come with a wheel, water bottle, but it also gives you food, treats, and bedding. for me a plastic cage would be much better.

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13y ago
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15y ago

It depends on the type or wire you are talking about. But regular cage wire (in a hamster cage) no.

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14y ago

Yes they can bite them but no they can't break them.

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12y ago

Yes they can sometimes gnaw open a cage it actually depends how easy the cage is to open

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Q: Can hamsters break through wire
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Hamsters should live in cages that are sealed and closed all the way because they are escape masters. Wire cages are not good for hamsters because they can bite the wire and damage or hurt their teeth. Cages can be found at lots of pets stores. Make sure there are places to burrow because hamsters love to hide when they sleep..

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Yes, hamsters get pregnant through sexual reproduction.

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Can you put tubes on a wire hamster cage?

I have rats( but hamsters are cute too) and we tried that and they ate right through it and instead we built a giant cage and put the tubes inside

What kinds of cages do hamsters and mice pefer?

Usually wire ones as they can climb on them.

Can hamsters get bumble foot?

Yes they can. To prevent that from occurring never house a hamster in a cage that has wire floors, and keep the cage clean and dry.

Do hamsters get pregnant by kissing?

No, hamsters reproduce through sexual means just like other mammals.

Can hamsters break their spines?

Yes, hamsters can break their spines if they fall from a significant height or are handled roughly. It is important to be gentle and cautious when handling hamsters to prevent any injuries. If you suspect your hamster has a spinal injury, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately.