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Provided the tank does not leak and it has been thoroughly cleaned there is no reason why it should not be suitable for keeping fish in.

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12y ago

Clean the aquarium really well and fill it with water and it will do find.

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Q: Can a goldfish live in an aquarium that was once used for a hamster?
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Do goldfish need a filtered aquarium?

Unless you expect it to just swim around in a bowl. It helps to CLEAN IT every once in a while.

How do you explain what is wrong with I killed a goldfish once?

You can only kill a goldfish once. The sentence suggests it is possible to kill it more than once.

Can you put fancy goldfish in a brackish aquarium with a dragon goby?

The dragon goby is semi-aggressive, but mainly feeds by sifting organisms out of the mud. In general, like most fish, they will eat anything that fits in its mouth. A fancy goldfish can reach 10"-12" and a dragon goby can reach 24". It would seem that once the goldfish reached a large enough size, it would be safe. I would not put a 2" goldfish with a 24" goby.

How many pregnancies can a goldfish have in a lifetime?

None. Goldfish are egg layers so they can not get pregnant. They will spawn once a year under normal circumstances and they live for more than 20 years if properly looked after.

How many babies can a have at once?

A hamster can have up to 16 babies at once but the average hamster has about 3-10 babies

What they call baby goldfish?

Baby goldfish, once hatched from their eggs, are called fry

Do you have to remove a pregnant goldfish from the tank to have the baby fish live?

Goldfish "spawn" they do not get pregnant because they are egg layers and the eggs are fertilised after they are released from the females body. Goldfish will eat their eggs if they can find them, so either the fertilised eggs or the goldfish should be removed once 'spawning' is completed if you wish to raise some of the young. BTW 1 goldfish spawning can produce many thousands of babys.

Can coy and goldfish live together?

No because the coy is a fast growing, aggresive fish. The goldfish is a slow moving fish and very docile. The coy, once it outgrows the goldfish will start to eat the fins and constantly attack them. I have seen it happen many times with people who think they mix well. They will however live together in a large outdoor pond if there is enough room, food and cover.

How many babies can fancy goldfish have at once?

it lays about 10,000 eggs at once

How often should you clean a goldfish tank with 4 goldfish in it?

Once a week :))))) i have experience

Can you feed a hamster sprouts?

Once a year.

Can you re home a hamster?

Yes, you can. I did it once