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Yes, a dog can have a stroke from eating chocolate over an extended period of time. While chocolate is harmful to dogs for numerous reasons, in this case, the fat content and sugar content can lead to Diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, which are all thought to be primary causes of ischemic strokes in dogs.

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Q: Can a dog have a stroke from eating chocolate?
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How dangerous is it if a dog eats chocolate?

It is very dangerous for a dog to eat chocolate it could die from eating lot of if u give it some its stomach might hurt after so don't even try giving the dog chocolate.

How much time does a dog live after eating chocolate?

Dogs should not eat chocolate. However, the length of time a dog lives after eating chocolate is different for each dog and also depends on the amount of chocolate the dog has eaten. The dog may only have diarrhea and vomiting. If the dog ingests a large amount of chocolate, they may have hyperactivity, tremors, high blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, seizures, respiratory failure, and cardiac arrest. The theobromine (the toxic ingredient in chocolate) stays in a dog's system for many hours, so death can occur in a short amount of time or may take several days.

Are there any long term effects from a dog eating chocolate?

Yes, the long term consequence could be death. Chocolate made for human consuption contains a chemical (thiobromide) which is poisonous to dog. Specially made 'dog chocolate' has had the chemical removed and is safe for dogs to eat.

Can chihuahua's eat chocolate?

Dogs should not eat chocolate,it can be poisonous to them causing illness or death

Will one chocolate cookie hurt a dog?

Eating a chocolate cookie can be harmful to a dog due to the presence of theobromine, which is toxic to them. The severity of the reaction will depend on the size of the dog and the amount of chocolate consumed. It is best to contact a veterinarian immediately if a dog ingests chocolate.

What does this dog eating choc mean is a myth?

Well dogs cant eat choc (Chocolate) or they will die right?

Dog being sick after eating chocolate she is fine but keeps vomiting. She is playing and behaving normal she just keeps being sick?

take your dog to the vet

How long does it take for a dog to die after eating chocolate?

Maybe, because chocolate is poisonous to dogs. When it happens, think of how much chocolate your dog has eaten. If your dog has ate lots of chocolate, your dog needs immediate help. If not much, call your dog's vet for more information. Always call your dog's vet if your dog has ate chocolate (any amount). So, your dog might not die automatically