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No, the cow has to have given birth to a calf or calves.

However, there has been cases were cows (and women too!) were able to produce milk without giving birth. It's all to do with hormones, since that is THE driving force behind milk production in all mammals.

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Rare instances state they may, and it has happened. However, the quantity of milk produced may not be as much as from a cow that has given birth to a calf, plus the possibility of the cow getting mastitis may be higher.

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Q: Can a cow give milk without giving birth?
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Do cows have to give birth to give milk?

Yes they do. Cows giving milk is as natural as they come: ALL female mammals, after giving birth, produce milk.

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By giving it milk.

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Do all cows give milk or only the ones have given birth?

Yes all cows give milk (referring to "cows" as the mature female bovines that have given birth to at least one calf, not the colloquial term for "cow"), and yes they can only give milk if they have recently given birth. To confuse the reader even more, the answer to the first question would be "no" if one were to use the word "cow" in a colloquial sense, which would still make the answer "yes" to the second question since those cows that are capable of giving birth are the only ones that can give milk. The male cows (there are really no such things, but I'll keep going anyway) cannot give milk nor give birth, so they are obviously out of the picture as to being the ones giving milk or giving birth.

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No to be a mammal you have to give live birth. If they live birth they have to give milk.

Do cats have milk before they give birth?

No, cows must be delivered of a calf in order to lactate, or produce milk. Most large dairy farms will remove the calf from the cow right after birth and give it milk replacer, and this will allow the cow to be milked to maximum.

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A donkey can't give milk but a jenny gives milk

Where is the cows milk stored after it has giving birth?

The udder, of course.

How do you make your cow give milk after the first year on harvest moon gamecube?

If your cow doesn't give milk yet and your barn isn't alreadt full, order some miricle potion or let the cow get pregnant. After she gives birth and after she stops giving mother's milk then it'll start giving milk. If your barn is already full sell an animal, otherwise you're screwed.

Why cows give thick milk after pregnancy?

They give thick milk after birth, the milk is high in nutrients, which vital for the young.

How many months does a cow give milk after giving birth to her calf?

A typical cow will be lactating for 6 to 10 months.