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They can do, it is around the borderline. The baby will spend a very long time in the neonatal intensive care unit and usually will have to have support with breathing since the lungs are not fully developed.

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16y ago
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15y ago

A baby can survive at 24 weeks. we have better technology these days where anything is possible. If you had a baby at 32 weeks she will most likely have to stay in the hospital till she is considered full term, or better yet breathe and eat on its own.

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13y ago

Don't think so. From week 24 they can be saved, but w20 is awfully early. As NICU care has improved over the last 40 years, viability has reduced to approximately 24 weeks, although rare survivors have been documented as early as 21 weeks.

The first thing survival will depend on is being in the right hospital for the birth - after that it depends entirely on the number of complications following birth and how well the baby pulls through each of them.

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15y ago

Absolutely. My daughter was born at 33.5 and had no complications. She stayed in the NICU for 16 days to learn to nurse and use a bottle (baby's aren't coordinated enough to do this until 35 weeks). She was 4 pounds 15 ounces---almost 5lb, the size of many twins!

My water broke so I had 2.5 days on bedrest in the hospital waiting. They gave me a shot of steroids which could have helped her develop her lungs. They say girls develop faster in the womb, but my friend had a boy born at 33.5 weeks exactly the same situation, no problems, home in over two weeks.

Now it is awful to leave the hospital each day without your baby, emotionally very very tough, but the baby should be fine. Do not worry.

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14y ago

the answer is yes. A baby can survive if born at 24 weeks although would need special care, a baby was born at 21 weeks before now and survived :)

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14y ago

Yes, the worlds longest recorded pregnancy was a whopping 375 days (53.5 weeks). Click on "Prodigiuos pregnancy" under "Related links" below.

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12y ago

Yes, if proper care is taken

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Q: Can a baby born at 25 weeks survive?
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There is no definite answer. I've heard of babies surviving as early as 14 weeks, however, this is extremely rare, and it depends on individual cases. It's different for everyone. You definitely have the best chances after at LEAST 25 weeks, though. You have an excellent chance after 36 weeks.

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At 32weeks 85% of infants survive. They still need a lot of help and will usually stay in the NICU until the original due date. They can have learning problems and developmental delays caused by prematurity.

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Ranny Weeks was born on February 25, 1907, in Everett, Massachusetts, USA.

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Can a baby survive at 27 wks?

Babies have been born this premature, and although it's dangerous for them, many do live (although they almost always need at least 3-to-5 months in a special in-hospital unit before they are allowed to come home). For some reason girl babies have a much higher chance of surviving than boy babies.

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Spotting at 25 weeks is alarming.Call your doctor asap and have yourself check.Bedrest is advisable, no toilet privileges, no coitus and etc.

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A baby can start hearing sounds in the womb around 18-25 weeks gestation.

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