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If you live in the tropics and the water will never go below 75F they should survive. You will probably never see them though once they are in a pond because their colouring will make them almost invisible from above.

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Q: Can Oscar fish live in an outside pond?
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What are five animals that live in a pond?

Frogs (tadpoles) Fish Outside the water: Mosquito Dragonfly Toad Hope this helped^^

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Can you put a Oscar fish in a small outside pool?

Provided the water temp does not get below 75F or above 85F. Oscars are hard to see in a pond. They evolved to blend into the background and disappear when viewed from above.

What creatures live in a pond?

it depends on where the pond is located. mostly fish frogs, tadpoles and algae where i live.

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amphibians and fish

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with a net

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Can you put pond fish into an indoor tank?

Yes, it is possible if the betta lives with other bettas in a heavily planted pond, I would heat it if you live in the Northern states. Never have normal pond fish live with a betta.