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Yes it can, as long as it is alive.

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Q: Can Jellyfish sting while on the beach?
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When jellyfish show up at the beach what do you do?

leave it alone! it can sting you!

My puppy licked a dead jellyfish on the beach this evening. She seems fine but I wanted to check if they are a danger when dead?

No because it cant sting while dead

Why do first aid kits at the beach usually include vinegar?

Its good for jellyfish stings it counteracts the alkaline in a jellyfish sting as it is acidic

What kind of Jellyfish are in Panama City beach?

The jellyfish in Panama City Beach right now, September 2011, are called moon jellyfish. They can cause a slight sting to people with sensitive skin. Some people can handle it with no sting, but i wouldn't advise it. Search Moon jellyfish on-line to mind out more info.

How dangerous can a jellyfish's sting be?

A jellyfish's sting can be from just painful to fatal. Most jellyfish who will give you fatal stings live far enough under the ocean that you won't have to worry about dying by being stung by one on a regular visit to the beach.

Why doses jellyfish sting?

jellyfish sting to protctet themselfe

How bad is a jellyfish's sting?

A jellyfish sting from a box jellyfish can kill a person in minutes if not treated. From other jellyfish, it might only sting. you can atually help it if you urinate on it.

Why do jellyfish not sting other jellyfish?

They do.

Why don't jellyfish sting?

They do sting.

What do you not put on a jellyfish sting?

another jellyfish!!

When do jellyfish sting in NC?

there are no jellyfish in NC

Is the venom in a jellyfish sting an acid or an alkali?

The venom found in a jellyfish sting is a complex mixture of proteins and peptides that can be either acidic or alkaline depending on the species of jellyfish. Some jellyfish venoms are cytolytic (break down cells) and can be acidic, while others are neurotoxic and can be alkaline.