yes, you absolutely can.
Yes... You can buy an avail infused apple cider vinegar at some specialty shops. I like to add a tablespoon of chia seeds to 8 oz. of a ai berry juice and then add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
as apple cider ages it turns to alcoholic apple cider then to apple cider vinegar. So take apple cider leave it out preferable in a cool dark place and wait after a certain amount of weeks you will have apple cider vinegar.
Malt vinegar, white wine vinegar, white spirit vinegar. Spirit vinegar doesn't taste as good as any of the brewed vinegars. The closest substitute is probably white wine vinegar mixed with an equal quantity of apple juice. Failing that, mix apple juice with malt vinegar. Red wine vinegar would give a taste that you might not want.
Mixing apple cider vinegar and honey may have potential health benefits, as both ingredients have antimicrobial properties and may help with digestion and inflammation. However, it's important to use this mix in moderation, as the acidity of apple cider vinegar can be harsh on the stomach and teeth. It's best to dilute the mixture in water and consume it in small quantities.
You can drink apple cider vinegar with lemon juice in a glass of water after a meal. I would suggest mixing it in juice or a powdered drink mix for better taste.
That should be effective but, it can't taste good.
Yes, you can!! What you do is mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into some milk and let sit.
Malt vinegar, white wine vinegar, white spirit vinegar. Spirit vinegar doesn't taste as good as any of the brewed vinegars. The closest substitute is probably white wine vinegar mixed with an equal quantity of apple juice. Failing that, mix apple juice with malt vinegar. Red wine vinegar would give a taste that you might not want.
Well, honey, apple cider vinegar can indeed help strip some of the chemicals in a relaxer from your hair, but it's not a miracle worker. It can help fade the relaxer over time with regular use, but don't expect it to completely strip it in one go. So, give it a try if you're feeling adventurous, but don't get your hopes up for instant results.
Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar is safe to take during and after pregnancy. It helps to rid the body of toxins and may even help with any complications that may arise or have arisen with the pregnancy. It supports regularity and promotes digestion.
the same amount as the cup can hold