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No they can't. Some of the contents in applesauce may have high sugar content or unhealthy ingredients that will make the guinea pig sick. It depends on what's in the applesauce but just to be safe I wouldn't feed my guinea pig applesauce.

Instead, feed your pet lot of bell peppers! they're high in vitamin C which guinea pigs need a lot of :) I always feed mine green but experiment and see which one your pet likes best. And if you wanted to feed your pet applesauce because it was sweet then feed your guinea pig yogurt drops. They have th3em in almost ALL pet stores and rodent pets LOVE them <333. I hope this information was helpful to you :)!

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13y ago
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15y ago

Yes but only in small amounts. And never give your rabbits the seeds from any fruit.

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15y ago

Yes, they can have Pears. They can have fruits and vegetables. Not too much fruit at a sitting or they could get diarrhea.

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11y ago

if you MASH it yourself , but store bought has to much sugar etc

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13y ago

No, they should not.

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Q: Can guinea pigs eat applesauce
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Can guinea pigs have apple sauce?

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