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Q: Can Brisket be kept in freezer for 6 mos and still be good?
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Is cooked brisket good for 7 days?

the marinate stuff you put on it, the meat will be very flavorful considering that the marinate was on it that long

How long can sliced bread be kept in the freezer and still remain good?

Until it gets freezer-burned, maybe 4-6 months.

How long does it take cooked brisket to spoil in refrigerator?

Meats are kept better in the freezer. Meats can be kept in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days if raw and 1 to 2 days longer if cooked. Always place cooked meats in an airtight container.

How long is homemade jerky good for if it is kept in a deep freezer?

about a month

When is chicken no good in freezer?

If well wrapped and kept solidly frozen, Chicken will keep it's original quality for about six months in the freezer. It is still safe to eat after a year, but will have lost much of it's "original quality" by then - it should be used within six months.

Can quark be kept in a freezer?

Not a good idea, once it thaws it can become very watery and lose its taste.

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in a freezer.

You have 8 frozen chick thights that have been in your freezer since Oct 08 Are they safe to eat do you need to cook from frozen or should you defrost then cook them?

This food should be safe to eat. If this food was kept frozen for the whole time it was in the freezer it is still good. You can cook it however you choose to.

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About 1-2 months in the freezer

What is Jews ice cream kept?

in the freezer!

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How long can frozen ham be kept in freezer?

ive had meat in my freezer for about 6 months and its been great.