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Borax is poisoness to dogs and cats

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Q: Borax and sugar or maple syrup will it hurt cats or dogs if they eat it?
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Does maple syrup urine disease only occur in infants?

no it can also occur in dogs and cats and adultd

Is borax toxic to cats?

Yes, borax is toxic to cats if ingested in large amounts. It can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and lethargy. It is best to keep borax and other household chemicals out of reach of pets to prevent accidental ingestion.

Can cats eat honey turkey?

It is not recommended to feed cats honey turkey or any deli meats, as they are high in sodium and preservatives which can be harmful to cats. It is best to stick to a balanced diet specifically formulated for cats to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

Is it okay to give cats maple syrup?

Yes, but their main diet should be meat. Most good commercial cat foods contain meat. Feeding a cat "people food" too much can result in obesity, which can lead to heart problems and diabetes, just like it does in humans.

Is sugar toxic to cats?

No, but a cat ingesting sugar on a daily basis can cause diabetes. Give cats only high-quality cat food.

Can cats taste sugar?

No, the have no tasebuds that allow cats to taste sugar in any form it is not geneticly reqired to taste sugar if your a cat.

Are sugar gliders a type of cat?

No. Sugar gliders are marsupials. They are not remotely related to cats, which are placental mammals.

What if your 4 pound dog eats terro ant killer?

It will not harm dogs cats or humans. ck the web site it's made with borax and a sweetener

Can cats eat sugar free lollipops?

No, they can not eat candy.

Can I bath my cat in 20 mule team borax?

20 Mule Team Borax would be too harsh on a dog or cat's coat, would strip all the natural oils right off of them. Find a shampoo made for cats, it will say so on the label. You can find this in Pet supply places or pet shops. Just make sure the shampoo is made for cats & that it states this on the label.

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Do cats eat sweet foods?

NO, please don't give your cat anything with sugar in it, especially xylitol! Sugar is merely bad for cats, but xylitol (a healthy substitute for sugar) can be fatal. Please ignore your cat if he begs for sweet foods, it's not good for him, and can be dangerous!