

Bettas and goldfish

Updated: 11/11/2022
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9y ago

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Male bettas should be kept alone. Female bettas can sometimes be kept with other fish, but in a large community tank. Bettas need their space!

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Q: Bettas and goldfish
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Did goldfish build bubblenest?

No, bettas however will.

Can you mix a female betta with 2 goldfish 1 is about 3 in long the other is about an inch long in a 14 gallon tank?

You cannot mix goldfish and bettas. Personalities aside, Goldfish are coldwater fish and Bettas are tropical. I have also heard that once the goldfish get bigger, which they will fast, they will eat the bettas David's answer:Yes, they be each other if you put the goldfish in first.(Note: The betta might nip the goldfish's fins)

Can betas be with normal goldfish?

Bettas and goldfish cannot live together. The bettas will be aggressive towards the goldfish because of its flowing fins. Also a betta lives in tropical waters, 75-78 degrees. while a goldfish is coldwater 68-70 degrees.

What male fish holds eggs in its mouth?

Bettas and goldfish

Can a betta fish and a goldfish have babies?

No, it is impossible. Goldfish are coldwater and have different spawning techniques than bettas.

What are the common fish categories for keep in aquarium?

Bettas livebearers goldfish cichlids saltwaters

Do betta live longer than goldfish?

No bettas live for 2 years. goldfish live for long as 25 yaers if conditions are clean.

Will goldfish kill a beta?

No, a goldfish will not kill a betta but they should NOTbe housed together. First of all, bettas are tropical fish, meaning they need temperatures of 75-85 F while goldfish are cold water fish and need much lower temperatures. Also, bettas are usually quite aggressive and territorial so I would not risk housing him with a goldfish.

Can you put a male betta fish in the same fish bowl or tank as a goldfish?

No, for a number of reasons. Firstly, one goldfish needs at least 20 gallons on it's own. In addition, not only are bettas and goldfish not compatible, but their needs are different including foods and water temperature; Bettas are best as a solitary fish.

What fish are okay in a fish bowl?

Bettas are. Goldfish really should have an aquarium if you want them to live.

What is so great about having a betta fish instead of like a goldfish or something?

Bettas are much easier to keep than goldfish because they are not quite as fussy as goldfish when it comes to the Oxygen content of their water.

What kind of Fish do not go with goldfish And betta fish?

Coldwater fish go with Goldfish (temperature under 70F). Tropical fish go with Bettas (temperature over 70F). Just make sure that you don't put any more than one Betta in a tank. So Bettas and tropicals don't go with Goldfish and vice versa.