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Betta fish need filtered and oxygenated tanks just like other Freshwater Fish. Pet stores that tell you that Betta fish don't need much room or filtered tanks are either ill-informed or just plain unethical. Too much current flow isn't healthy since Bettas like slow moving water. If you are putting a plant inside a tank with your Betta (and not keeping the Betta in a vase with a plant growing out of the top and the roots growing into the Betta's space), any freshwater fish-friendly plant is good. Just make sure that it is soft so it doesn't damage the Betta's delicate and beautiful fins. Don't put a Betta in a vase with or without a plant growing above it. Also, don't keep them in tight containers or small cups. This practice is cruel and inhumane!

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Q: Betta fish in a regular old fish bowl you put a plant in the bowl your question is what type of plant is this and is it a plant that is safe for your Betta I have a pic but the link won't post?
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Does a betta always need a peace lilly in the bowl?

No! You don't have to have a plant in a betta tank.

Can you use a pothos plant for your betta fish bowl?

you posibily could but i wouldn't suggest it.

Betta Fish Bowl - is a spider plant ok to use?

No. Spider plants are terrestrial, and if placed in a fish bowl will rot and pollute the water. They will not live more than a week or so underwater. The best plant for a betta bowl is an anubias; there isn't anything else that will really survive in a bowl, most aquatic plants are too delicate for this sort of treatment. If you want a planted underwater haven, do your betta a favour and get him a proper tank.

How big is a betta fish bowl image?

a betta bowl is about 12-15 inches in length and about the same in height

Can tropical fish from a stroe live in regular waterand live in a fish bowl?

yes but only a betta fish and moutain minnows can live in a bowl :) oh and they cant live together

What is the best plant to get for my pet betta fish's bowl?

Java moss would probably be the best bet, as it is extremely easy to grow.

What are good starter tank kits for betta fish?

betta bowl. it is amazing

How do female betta fish get hurt?

Lots of things can happen! She can jump out of her bowl, fall while being placed back in her bowl, get one of the many diseases that bettas get (Pop eye, cloud eye, Tail rot etc.), she can be p;aced in a bowl with another betta and fight... What are the symptoms that you are seeing in your betta? When you find out, start a new question, explaining better. Natalie01

What fish can live with a betta in a one gallon bowl?

None. The 1 gallon bowl is already too small for the betta by itself.

Is it okay if you boil water before putting it in your betta's bowl?

Yes, it's recommended to boil water before adding it to your betta's bowl to remove impurities and make it safe for your fish. Allow the water to cool down to room temperature before adding it to the bowl to avoid shocking your betta.

Can you put your finger into a betta fish bowl?


Do betta fish need a nest to sleep in?

No, gravel covering the ground of the tank or bowl will do fine. If you can fit them, they might also like an aquarium plant (living or plastic).