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It depends on the type of equipment. Hammer-Head Cranes I believe would be ( Wind-stalled) around sustained gusts of 30-40 MPH, some makes can take stronger gales! Sometimes they have small weather stations in huts on construction sites using a Dwyer wind-speed meter. there are yellow and red markings on the speed scale indicating Caution and absolute stop ( Red Line) wind velocities. When a Hammerhead is shut down on site- the power is off and the brakes- including the swing or turret brake- are automatically locked, in part to prevent any ( Windmilling) if the weather starts gusting. I am not aware of any operant crane accident directly attributed to the Weather. ( does not apply to standing, but unmanned and not-working cranes).

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What is the MAX wind Speed allowed for safe lifting?

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American flags do not hang off cranes unless someone died at that sight and they want people to remember them. Similar to what fire fighters did a WTC. If by hanging you actually mean why is there a flag on top of a crane, then that is a different answer. They usually fly a flag at the top of construction cranes to get an idea of wind conditions and direction which is very important when you are lifting a heavy object high up in the air.

An anemometer is used to measure?

An anemometer is used for measuring the speed of wind,

Is a wind vane considered as a wind speed?

A wind vane measures wind direction, not wind speed. It is a device that points in the direction from which the wind is blowing. Wind speed is typically measured using an anemometer.

How can you calculate wind speed from zonal wind speed?

wind speed = squrt(u^2+v^2).

How are wind speed and wind direction are measured?

An anemometer measures the wind speed, and a windvan measures wind direction.

What is wind speed measured with?

Wind speed is typically measured using an anemometer. An anemometer is a device that detects and measures the speed of the wind by using cups that rotate in response to the wind's force.

How does the wind affect a boat's speed?

By the types of sails that you have. or it could be the wind type or the wind's speed

Instrument that measured wind speed and direction?

The wind direction is measured with wind vanes or wind socks. The wind speed is measured with an anemometer.

How does wind speed formed?

when the wind direction picks up speed

What wind speed is measured by a(an)?

A anemometer is used to measure wind speed.