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Q: Are your eggs still fertile when you're pregnant?
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Can duck eggs be fertile without a male?

No, a male must fertilize the eggs or they will not hatch.

Is my canary pregnant?

Canaries do not get pregnant - they lay eggs. If your bird starts nest building, it is a sign she is ready to lay. If there is a male with her, the eggs may be fertile and will hatch in approximately 14 days.

Can you get pregnant just before periods?

Yes the closer after the end of your period you are the more easy it is to get pregnant, because the new eggs in your uteris are still brand new then.

Can a bot get a girl pregnant before puberty?

no, a boy cannot get a girl pregnant before puberty. for fertilisation to happen, bi=oth the eggs as well as the sperm have to be fertile and mature.

If your wife is a big woman what is the best way to get her pregnant?

The best way to get a woman pregnant is right after her period. A woman is most fertile during this period. Her eggs are ready to be fertilized.

Will a female puffer fish lay non-fertile eggs?

No, pufferfish will not lay non-fertile eggs. I have had multiple pufferfish for over 5 years and they haven't laid non-fertile eggs. Although she did mate with my other pufferfish and lay fertile eggs.

Do tetras lay eggs?

Tetras lay eggs. only you lay eggs if you are a girl!

How do you get female cockatiel birds to fall pregnant without mating?

You cannot. A female cockatiel needs a male cockatiel to mate with her before she will produce fertile eggs. And incidentally, birds do not "fall pregnant".

Do the eggs that make you pregnant finish?

Women are born X amount of eggs (ovum) that are released on a 28 day (usually) cycle from puberty until menopause. After menopause no more eggs are released and any remaining are non fertile.

Do love bird eggs need to be firtilized?

Parrot eggs are either fertile when they are laid or they are not fertile when they are laid. They have to be fertile and properly incubated in order to hatch.

How do you know you a female bird is pregnant?

Female birds to not get pregnant. They lay fertilized eggs if they have spent enough time with a male bird. If you don't want baby birds, take away the eggs. If you want baby birds, let the female incubate them by keeping them warm.

How do you tell if a cockatiel egg is fertile?

If they are round and plump. Infertile eggs also tend to be yellow. Even if the eggs are dented I would still put them in an incubator until they mold since they can still be fertile and produce perfectly healthy babies.