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Q: Are you allowed to bring chocolate to Italy?
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Related questions

Are you allowed to bring chocolate into Australia?

Yes. But declare it just to safe.

Can you bring chocolate from Germany to US?

yes you can bring chocolate from Germany to US

Can you take coriander on a flight from Glasgow to Italy?

You should always check with your airline prior to travel as each airline will have different rules on what you are allowed to bring on board. Typically, when travelling from an EU country, which Italy is, you should be able to bring most foods.

Did people who had tattoos were not allowed to work in Italy?

yes the people who had tattoos were not allowed in italy

Why is chocolate not allowed for dialysis patients?

chocolate is high in phosphorus

Did Columbus bring to America chocolate?

No, chocolate was not even invented.

What is dupelo?

dupelo is an chocolate bar from Italy

Can bunnies die by eating chocolate?

Yes, no animals are allowed to have chocolate or they will die

Where are you not allowed to eat a chocolate chip cookie?

There isn't really any place where a person is "forbidden" or "not allowed" to eat chocolate chip cookies.

How many kinder chocolate did Germany produce in one year?

Kinder Chocolate is from Italy. It is a of Ferrero

Are you allowed to bring a poster into Nassau Colosseum?

Yes, you are allowed to bring in posters to Nassau Colosseum.

Are you allowed to take chocolate into newzealand?
