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they are both alike because they both have the same bodies except for the horn on the unicorn because hoses dont have horns but the unicorn is colerful and the hoses is brown

Answer 2 : unicorns are actually more related to goats because the have their hooves that look like goat feet and they have goat beards. unicorns were actually a mistake. a farmer bred a horse and a goat together. same horse body, a few goat features, but the horn was the mistaken part.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Unicorns are first and foremost imaginarycreatures, animals out of myths and stories.

As such, they can be anything the storyteller wants them to be.

But since they're usually described as being basically a horse with a horn, and since there are no furry snakes or lizards, it seens unlikely that they would be reptiles if they would have existed.

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9y ago

They are actually rhinos that have been mistaken for single-horned horses.

"Unicorns" were actually single-horned rhinos (the Indian Rhinoceros), which were used as beasts of war in ancient times. They were misinterpreted as a mythical creature.

The historical figure Genghis Khan documented that he called off the invasion of India due to witnessing 'terrible and brutal one-horned beasts ridden by man', which today we understand were War Rhinos, similar to War Elephants. They were also mentioned by an Ancient Greek called Ctesias.
The documents were misinterpreted, hence the myth of unicorns was born. When in reality, they were actually Indian Rhinos.

See this related question: Do Unicorns Exist?

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13y ago

They might, but it wouldn't be by human hands. A unicorn could do that, or if the horse was a unicorn to begin with, but you cannot graft horns onto horse's heads.

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11y ago

Unicorns are mythical creatures, but like horses and goats they would likely be mammals if they existed. They are often portrayed as mammals in fiction.

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15y ago

Unicorns are their own speices. Horses resemble unicorns but unicorns are very different. One main difference is they have a horn on their head.

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Are unicorns marsupials?

No. If unicorns were real, they would be mammals."Unicorns" were actually single-horned rhinos, which were used as beasts of war in ancient times. They were misinterpreted as a mythical creature.See this related question: Do Unicorns Exist?

Why were unicorns invented?

Unicorns were not invented. They truly exist. I've even seen one. But there are none left here today because they rapidly evolved into water mammals. Now they are called narwals.

Is a pony cold blooded or warm blooded?

because horses are mammals and all mammals are warm blooded then yes.

Is a unicorn a mammal?

Yes, all whales are mammals.

How do you know the sex of a unicorn?

Unicorns genitalia follow the same anatomical features as the rest of the mammals. However there are other minor sexual dimorphisms amongst the unicorn sexes.Male unicorn horns spiral clockwise. Female unicorn horns spiral counter clock wise.Male unicorns often sport a goateeFemale unicorns often have a claw (hidden) at the end of their tales, somewhat like lions do.Male unicorns have a basal call while females are more tenor.

What do you call a flock of unicorns?

A group of unicorns is called a blessing of unicorns.

What is group of unicorns called?

As there is no such thing as unicorns there is no word for a group of unicorns is nathan

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Are there unicorns in England?

There aren't unicorns anywhere.

What do you think of unicorns?

unicorns are my life . <3

Do unicorns like bacon?

No unicorns are herbivores

Why did the unicorns and lions fight?

Unicorns are mythological.