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First off - the rhino/horse thing has been tried -- and failed. The two species are just to divergent to merge.

Second (unfortunately) unicorn are one of those creatures that will not breed in captivity.

Unicorn breeders have had to resort to 'persuasive' methods to 'get what they want'. The unicorns have to believe that they are running free, which means extensive areas of forest/grassland. And the designated pair have to be brought together by subtle means so they don't get the impression that they are being manipulated.

For these reasons Unicorn breeders have taken upon themselves the rather romantic terms of 'charmers' or 'enchanters'.

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Q: Are there unicorn breeders. i'm looking to start breeding unicorns too but need some to get started. i could always try getting rhinos and horses to mate but i'm thinking of going for the best. help?
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