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There are not any species,varieties or cultivars of edible cherry (Prunus sp.) that grow seedless. If someone did develop a genetically viable seedless cherry with the ability to produce on a commercial scale, they would probably be doing it already.

Source: Me (I am a certified horticulturalist).

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Q: Are there seedless cherries
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No. Many vegetables have seeds, such as tomato, cucumber, okra, eggplant, squash and others as well. Also, there are seedless fruits, such as seedless grapes, watermelon and cherries.

Do cherries have seeds?

No, they have stones. The cherry pit, sometimes called a stone, surrounds and protects the cherry seed.

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Hamster can have the following: Apple (seedless) Bananas Black Berries Blue Berries Cherries (Remove stone) Cranberries Figs Grapes (seedless) Kiwi Fruit Loganberries Mango Melon Peach (Remove stone) Pear (seedless) Plums (Remove stone) Raspberries Starfruit Strawberries Watermelon (seedless)

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Are red cherries and black cherries much different?

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Who invented seedless grapes?

The first seedless grapes were the Thompson green seedless grapes. All seedless come from this stock. They were discovered and not invented by Thompson.

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They are hybrid plants. Specifically grown to be seedless. I guess you could call them "engineered plants."

What is the plural possessive of the word cherries?

The plural possessive form of "cherries" is "cherries'".

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The correct plural possessive noun of "cherry" is "cherries'".