

Are there bad spices

Updated: 11/5/2022
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7y ago

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Some people may be allergic to a spice or not care for the spice. Sometimes a spice might interfere with a medicine.

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Q: Are there bad spices
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Why did spices continue to be an important item even after the discovery of the Americans?

Refrigeration had not yet been invented, so the only way to preserve meat was to salt it. Adding spices helped to hide the salty taste. The spices also concealed the taste of meat that had gone bad.

Why were spices during the medieval time important?

Spices were important to preserve food and to disguise the taste of food that was going bad. If all you have is slightly off food, you're going to eat it to survive.

What is meat cure?

Predominately salt, many are accompanied by various spices and sugars.

Why is tunisan food spicy?

Spicy foods originated in several areas for one of two reasons. First, hot spices in food cause people to perspire which cools the body so in hot regions hot and spicy became popular. Other spices can disguise the taste of bad cuts of meat or meat that is beginning to go bad so areas where meat couldn't be stored properly, spices made it edible. Tunisia is quite hot so maybe that's why spices are popular.

How long can you store Tracy Byrds spices before they go bad?

You should never buy more spice then you can use in a month. Spices start to lose their flavor and go stale after about a month of sitting on the shelf.

Are spices bad?

Some people may be allergic to a spice or not care for the spice. Sometimes a spice might interfere with a medicine.

What product Europe wanted from Asia?

He wanted jewels spices cotton

Why did europeans want Asian Spices?

They didn't necessarily want just the spices. The silk road brought common trade goods as well. Things like silk, hence the name The Silk Road. Spices were much in demand. The world had tasted the difference exotic spices made to common foods and demanded more. These flavors were not just used to enhance taste but used to mask bad tastes and preserve foods. The prices asked for the spices made the trade a lucrative business to be in.

Can substitute regular spices for ground spices?

Yes, but dried spices are more potent.

What kind of no calorie spices are there?

All Spices

Who is the father of all spices?

Their was no particular person who invented spices, but spices was orginated in India

Who brought spices to Europe?

Marco Polo introduced spices but europe already had spices. He brought loads of new spices and became very rich