I am going with Crocus. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocus
One spring flowering plant that starts with "Cr" is crocus. Crocus plants are known for their vibrant, cup-shaped flowers that bloom early in the spring, often signaling the arrival of warmer weather.
Siberian squill Crocus
They bloom very early in the spring
A crocus is classified as a flowering plant in the iris family, Iridaceae. It is a genus of perennial plants that grow from corms and are known for their colorful spring blooms.
The plural of crocus is crocus.
Part of a spring month is a May day. Paying attention to a spring flower is a crocus focus. A person who pigs out at a spring holiday is an Easter feaster. A party before summer is a spring fling.
Daisy leaves are edible in the spring, but they're kind of spicy tasting.
Nerines flower in Autumn and the leaves grow in Spring. The same applies to Autumn Crocus.