

Are scabies the same as crabs?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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13y ago

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No. Scabies is a microscopic mite that are usually found on dogs. "Crabs" a.k.a. "pubic lice", are lice. Like the lice that people get in their hair, but head lice and public lice are different in the way that they are physiologically built to infest certain parts of the body.

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Anyone can get scabies they are like crabs.

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Ghost crabs? Well that depense if it is a dead fiddler crab so it would be the same/

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The scabies mite is tiny. Very difficult to see with the naked eye. The same as when it's alive, except it's not moving.

What is the difference between scabies and Norwegian scabies?

The difference between them is nothing besides how many you have. The same mite infects for both cases, just Norwegian has ALOT more mites on your body then normal scabies. 15~ for normal scabies and thousands for norwegian. I looked/ Found you can get more if your immune system is lower.

Are scabies and lice the same thing?

No scabies and head lice are not the same thing scabies are mites that live under your skin and lice are bugs that lice in the hair on your head when you have lice only your head itches when you have scabies your whole body itches especially in between your finger Ur butt and behind you legs elbows and arms

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Infant, newborn, child.

Can you catch crabs by sitting on the same toilet seat?

Yes you can , if you sit right after someone with crabs.....

What are Norwegian scabies?

Infestation with huge numbers of mites (on the order of thousands to millions).This form of scabies, with its major infestation, is referred to as crusted scabies or Norwegian scabies.

What do mitten crabs eat?

mitten crabs eat the same as other crabs except that mitten c rabs eat more of a variety of vegetables.

Can elica treat scabies?

cream get rid of scabies

Is there any famous people with scabies?

They all have scabies.