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Salts are ionic compounds.

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Q: Are salts an example of an ionic compound?
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Related questions

What is table salt a example of?

An ionic compound. All salts are ionic compounds.

Is salt always a ionic compound?

No, salt is not always an ionic compound. It can be an ionic compound, like sodium chloride (NaCl), but it can also be a covalent compound, like sodium acetate (CH3COONa). The classification of salt as ionic or covalent depends on the elements involved and their bonding.

Which property do salts have in common?

All salts are ionic compound.

What is true of table salts?

it is an ionic compound

When a metal reacts with a non metal it makes what?

It forms a compound. For example Iron + Oxygen ---> Iron Oxide aka rust.

Will a compound dissolve in water?

For example, ionic compounds: inorganic acids, salts, bases; many organic compounds, etc.

What are salts are also known as?

NaCl or and Ionic Compound/bond.

Is an ionic compound an example of a chemical compound or is a chemical compound an example of an ionic compound?

An ionic compound is a type of chemical compound. Chemical compounds can be classified into different categories based on their composition and properties, with ionic compounds being one of these categories.

Why are group 1 and seven elements normally used as part of a compound?

They very reactively form simple ionic products, called salts (di-ionic) Example: 2Na + Cl2 --> 2Na+Cl-

What is a non example of a covalent compound?

Ionic compounds are salts or oxides as NaCl, LiF, MgCl2, MgO, UCl4, ThO2, CsCl, CaCl2, FeCl3, AlCl3.

What salts dissolve the fastest?

Ionic salts, for example nitrates.

Is Water is an example of an ionic compound?

Water contains no ionic bonds as it is a covalent compound.